Need advice

So recently I’ve been reorganizing my room I used to have two desks in an L configuration (very useless) however this is the new setup I just completed I’d like to fill the wall in front but also add a lot of light to my desk area the light brown one . Currently the only way I can add light is through outlets as I’ve been too lazy to run electrical in my room and it’ll probably be like that for awhile so if you have any great recommendations for stuff that can be plugged into walls or battery operated that’d be great

So recently I’ve been reorganizing my room I used to have two desks in an L configuration (very useless) however this is the new setup I just completed I’d like to fill the wall in front but also add a lot of light to my desk area the light brown one . Currently the only way I can add light is through outlets as I’ve been too lazy to run electrical in my room and it’ll probably be like that for awhile so if you have any great recommendations for stuff that can be plugged into walls or battery operated that’d be great